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27/9 Media Update

In April this year, the Victorian Government announced a parliamentary inquiry into the handling of alleged criminal abuse of children by religious and other organisations.

The scale of the abuse – which was most prevalent through the 1960s, 70s and 80s – is now becoming apparent, and has received significant media coverage over the past weeks.

ABC – Calls for independent review of church sex abuse (22/9/2012)

The Age – Catholic Church upheld 618 child sex abuse cases (22/9/2012)

The Australian – Victorian Catholic Church reveals 620 abuse cases (22/9/2012)

Herald Sun – Victorian Catholic Church reveals 620 abuse cases (22/9/2012)

ABC – Church admits to hundreds of sex abuse cases (21/9/2012)

Herald Sun – Catholic Church admits it failed sex abuse victims, in submission to Victorian Government Inquiry (21/9/2012)

ABC – Church admits to hundreds of sex abuse cases (21/9/2012)

Herald Sun – Vic Catholics to tell ‘shameful’ truth (21/9/2012)

ABC – Ballarat church admits Catholic clergy had head in the sand (21/9/2012)

ABC – Church abuse victims submit long list of atrocities (20/9/2012)


The recently introduced offshore processing policies have been heavily criticised, with many calling for major works to be undertaken on facilities and supports before woman and children asylum seekers are accepted.

The Age – Nauru camp unable to deal with mental health issues (25/9/2012)

Herald Sun – Experts question asylum seeker health (25/9/2012)

The Age – Onus is on Australia for child safety – UN (22/9/2012)

The Age – More work needed on Nauru’s asylum centre (19/9/2012)

The Age – Children to be sent alone to Nauru (12/9/2012)


The Brimbank Weekly has published another story detailing a successful foster care story from St Albans.

Brimbank Weekly – Foster child’s part of the family (18/9/2012)


Reports continue to emerge about the growing demand for support services, with data collected across Port Phillip demonstrating significant increases in reported assaults over the past 12 months.

Melbourne Weekly – Reports of family violence in Port Phillip grow (17/9/2012)

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The Unsaid Says a Lot

At The Centre, we support The Unsaid Says a Lot campaign launched by the Victorian government to raise awareness and cultivate understanding of the challenges faced by trans and gender-diverse


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