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Diploma of Quality Auditing

Development of effective systems to manage service standards is critical as community service organisations face increasing regulation and rising complance levels.

The Diploma of Quality Auditing offers training in managment of quality systems, processes and practices within community organisations.

Participants will acquire skills, knowledge and techniques to plan, measure, monitor and improve services offered.

The Diploma of Quality Auditing will explore the systems, processes and practices involved in internally monitoring the quality of service provision within the participant’s organisation.


The course is built around planning and managing a continuous improvement project in the participant’s workplace.  After completing the course, you will be able to:

  • Audit your current quality management system
  • Plan, conduct and lead quality audits
  • Develop an internal auditing system and process in your workplace as part of an audit team
  • Implement a program for managing and monitoring compliance
  • Undertake preventative and corrective action to improve compliance and risk management
  • Introduce risk management and compliance strategies, and look at the management challenges that are faced by many CSOs

On completion, participants will be able to:

  • Audit an organisational quality system
  • Identify and report on required improvements
  • Manage, monitor and report on quality outcomes
  • Assess the learning and development needs of an organisation around implementing a focus on quality outcomes
  • Manage risk and implement corrective and preventative actions
  • Manage the scheduling and perparation of quality audits
  • Design audit tools and schedules
  • Plan, undertake and report on a quality audit
  • Follow up recommendations for improving compliance
  • Demonstrate skills and attributes required of an auditor

Who should attend?

Managers and staff seeking to undertake lead auditor roles within their organisation, or wanting to carry out external/self-assessment or peer audits of quality standards. The course is also suitable for people with responsibility for developing adn implementing compliance systems.

Special rate

The Diploma is being offered at a special rate for staff working in community service organisations:

$3,078 members (VICSERV & the Centre)

$3,518 non members

TAFE fees are in excess of $4,000 for the same qualification.


For details and a registration form, please see the attached PDF.


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