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Seeking young people with care experience

Seeking participants for the Graduating Class of 2024 campaign

The Centre is seeking young people with out-of-home care experience to participate in its Graduating Class of 2024 Campaign. This new initiative will empower young people aged 18 and over with experience in Victoria’s out-of-home care services, including those who have lived in Residential Care, Foster Care, or Kinship Care placements.

The campaign will highlight personal stories, showcasing everyday lives, achievements, and aspirations to help break down stigmas and show that care-experienced young people are just like everyone else.

Articles will be released over Kinship Care Week, Foster Care Week and at our ResiROCKS event in October.

What’s involved?

Each story will be developed with the young person to create something they are proud of. This could include one or more of the following:

  • Written Articles: An article about your life right now and your dreams and aspirations, be they working, studying, travelling, or job hunting.
  • Video Interviews: A short, compelling video interviews produced in collaboration with each young person.
  • Social Media Promotion: Featuring photos and quotes to promote their stories during Foster Care Week.
  • Media and Public Speaking Opportunities: For those who want more, we welcome you to the Young Person’s Media Network for future training, media and advocacy opportunities.


Support for Participants:

The Centre is committed to providing comprehensive support to all participants, including:

  • Media and communication training.
  • Public speaking workshops.
  • Continuous support throughout the storytelling process.
  • Remuneration for their time and participation.


For more information send your contact information and a brief bio to [email protected]  

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