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New resources for foster carers launched

Jenny Mikakos MP, Minister for Families and Children launched a number of new resources for foster carers at the Foster Care Association of Victoria’s (FCAV) foster carer celebration.

The new resources include a foster carer handbook, feedback and complaints booklet called Fostering Support, podcast series and a charter that helps foster carers understand their rights and responsibilities, and helps those who work with foster carers to understand their responsibilities.

These resources were developed as part of the foster care retention projects the Centre worked on together with FCAV and the Department of Health and Human Services.

Hard copies of the handbook, which includes the charter and information about how to manage issues and complaints are being sent directly to foster carers and are also available online. Further copies will be sent to foster care agencies along with the Fostering Support booklet, for agencies to provide to carers if issues arise.

Visit the Information for current Victorian foster carers page on the Department of Health and Human Services site to view the new resources for foster carers.

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