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Inquiry issues papers now available

Two of three planned issues papers developed by the Centre in response to the Protecting Victoria’s Vulnerable Children Inquiry are now available for download.

Issues Paper One
Their outcomes: local governance and outcomes frameworks for vulnerable children, young people and their families


Issues Paper Two
Their needs: appropriate service models for vulnerable children, young people and families

The issues papers were developed in consultation with Centre members and stakeholders, and elaborate aspects of the Centre’s main submission to the Inquiry, It’s their outcomes that matter.



A third issues paper is currently being developed, Their voice: involving children and young people in decisions, services and systems will be available in late January and will be accompanied by a sector round-table event.

The Centre anticipates that the issues paper will assist the Inquiry in its consideration of the Centre’s main submission. The Inquiry reports its recommendations in late January 2012.

Further information about the Centre’s response can be found at our Inquiry blog, Their outcomes matter.

Questions to the Centre about the Inquiry can be sent using our contact form.

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