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ACT extends out-of-home-care support to 21

ACT legislation to raise out of home care support to 21
The Centre congratulates the ACT Government on being the first jurisdiction to #makeit21 and legislate extended support for young people in state care to age 21.
The National Campaign website The Home Stretch says all young people living in out-of-home care arrangements in the ACT, and those who may be in these arrangements in the years to come, are now guaranteed formal state care and support until they are 21 years old.
The Centre’s CEO, Deb Tsorbaris, says the sector has campaigned for this change nationally for many years and has achieved wins in many states that now provide ongoing financial support for young people with care backgrounds when they turn 18.
“The ACT is the first state to legislate to extend all the wrap-around support of the foster care system for young people until they are 21, and we are so delighted to see this happen.
“I hope we will see other states and territories consider extending out-of-home care support to 21 as we start to rethink foster care models nationally,” she says.
Ms Tsorbaris says the current economic environment makes for a tough start for young people leaving care at 18.
“They are just becoming adults – finishing school, starting higher education or their first jobs. Extending care until 21 will have a profoundly positive impact on their ability to access education, and it will mean a decrease in the rates of homelessness and offer them a better start to their adult lives.”

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