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As Eye See It

During September the As Eye See It exhibition displayed images taken by 74 young people in out-of-home care at Federation Square.

As Eye See It annually provides kids living in out-of-home care with a camera and two weeks to capture images of five things that are important to them, along with a photograph of their own eye. These images are supported by a statement where the young person can describe the meaning behind the images, providing a voice that is rarely heard in the wider community.

Principal Commission for Children and Young People Bernie Geary said that “the images help to open a dialogue between the children, social workers and carers about the care experience”.

Making the exhibition available to the wider public in Federation Square’s Atrium also brought the general public into the conversation, with many passing by drawn in by the emotive images and stories.

It was wonderful to see people visiting Federation Square for unrelated reasons absorbed by these often-untold stories, with this unique exhibition performing a vital role in improving community awareness of the challenges faced by some of our most vulnerable children.

As Eye See It is coordinated by Victoria’s Commission for Children and Young People, with support from the Salvation Army Westcare, Berry Street and Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare.


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