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13/9 Media Update – Commissioner calls for improvements, hazards of state money and more…

Over the past few weeks our sector has been subject to extensive media coverage. The following stories may be of interest to our members:


The 7.30 Report highlighted the need for people to consider becoming foster carers.

ABC 7.30 Report – Foster carers needed as numbers dwindle (13/9/2012)

13/9 Media Update – Commissioner calls for improvements, hazards of state money and more… Read More »

Governance Forum – 3rd September 2012

Last Monday the Centre hosted the Governance to Strategy Forum, which provided an opportunity for CEOs, Board members and senior executives to come together and discuss how our sector can respond to challenges raised in the Protecting Victoria’s Vulnerable Children Inquiry, and adapt to our changing landscape.
The forum was facilitated by Steven Bowman – Managing Director of Conscious Governance – who is recognised for having transformed the application of governance and strategy.

Governance Forum – 3rd September 2012 Read More »

Centre Piece – August 2012

Centre Piece – August 2012 Read More »


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  Centre Piece – Issue #1