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Coroner’s finding on four-year-old leads update

Today’s media update focuses on the coroner’s finding into the 2005 death of "Rory" a four-year-old known to DHS. The findings were released on Melbourne Cup Eve. Coroner Jennifer Tregent noted that, even on a "cursory review" of the Victorian Ombudsman’s recent report on child protection in the Loddon Mallee region, many of the concerns raised in the management of Rory’s case "remain prevalent" (see pp.34–35 of report, link below).

Coroner’s finding on four-year-old leads update Read More »

Ombudsman’s report on Loddon Mallee child protection leads media update

Today’s media update focuses exclusively on the Ombudsman’s report on child protection in the Loddon Mallee region that was tabled in the Victorian Parliament on Tuesday 25 October.

The Ombudsman found "a practice has developed where the drive to meet numerical targets has overshadowed the interest of children despite evidence that they may be at risk".

Centre CEO Dr Lynette Buoy and Professor Cathy Humphreys were interviewed about the Ombudsman’s findings for Wednesday’s edition of ABC Radio National AM (see link below).

Ombudsman’s report on Loddon Mallee child protection leads media update Read More »


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