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VCAT decision on working with children leads Thursday media update

Today’s media update leads with a contentious VCAT decision on working with children regarding an adult who, as a child, was placed on probation without conviction and ordered to undertake a sex offender treatment program. Sentencing, investing in the early years, and social media for at-risk youth also feature.

Please note that inclusion of articles in the media scan does not necessarily imply Centre endorsement of their content. Our aim is to spark robust but respectful discussion of issues.

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Child abuse reporting leads Tuesday media update

Today’s media update leads with questions arising from a coroner’s inquest about the adequacy of measures for reporting and addressing child abuse. Sexting, child drinking laws, and micro-finance also feature.

Please note that inclusion of articles in the media scan does not necessarily imply Centre endorsement of their content. Our aim is to spark robust but respectful discussion of issues.

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Child rights lead Monday media update

Today’s media update leads with a delegation to the United Nations in Geneva to highlight the disadvantage of three particular groups of children – Indigenous children, those in detention, and those in out-of-home care. The Victorian human rights charter, pokies reform, and explaining the origins of violence also feature.

Please note that inclusion of articles in the media scan does not necessarily imply Centre endorsement of their content. Our aim is to spark robust but respectful discussion of issues.

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VEOHRC research on children in care leads media update

Today’s media update leads with planned VEOHRC research on children with a disability entering State care. Mentoring, new child drinking laws, and abuse while in care are also featured.

Please note that inclusion of articles in the media scan does not necessarily imply Centre endorsement of their content. Our aim is to spark robust but respectful discussion of issues.

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