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Out of home care (OOHC)

Ombudsman’s report on Loddon Mallee child protection leads media update

Today’s media update focuses exclusively on the Ombudsman’s report on child protection in the Loddon Mallee region that was tabled in the Victorian Parliament on Tuesday 25 October.

The Ombudsman found "a practice has developed where the drive to meet numerical targets has overshadowed the interest of children despite evidence that they may be at risk".

Centre CEO Dr Lynette Buoy and Professor Cathy Humphreys were interviewed about the Ombudsman’s findings for Wednesday’s edition of ABC Radio National AM (see link below).

Ombudsman’s report on Loddon Mallee child protection leads media update Read More »

Child protection leads Monday media update

Today’s media update focuses on coverage of child protection in Victoria. A survey of street homelessness in Melbourne, and coverage of legal barriers to church abuse actions also feature.

Please also note that this week is National Children’s Week, with Universal Children’s Day this Wednesday 26 October (on our AGM).

Inclusion of articles in the media scan does not necessarily imply Centre endorsement of their content. Our aim is to spark robust but respectful discussion of issues.

Child protection leads Monday media update Read More »

Coverage of Hayley inquest continues in Thursday media update

Today’s media update again focuses exclusively on the findings of the Coroner regarding the death of Hayley, a toddler known to child protection who died of injuries that were inflicted at her home in July 2009. The Coroner has made six recommendations for change to help prevent deaths in similar circumstances in the future.

Please note that inclusion of articles in the media scan does not necessarily imply Centre endorsement of their content. Our aim is to spark robust but respectful discussion of issues.

Coverage of Hayley inquest continues in Thursday media update Read More »


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