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Centre For Excellence Media Awards 2023

Centre for Excellence, Media Awards 2023

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, Victoria’s peak body for children, young people, and their families, will again recognise journalists who have sought to elevate the voices of children and families in a respectful and material way in its annual Media Awards in 2023. 

Often the voices of Victoria’s children, young people, and their families aren’t heard in the media. Despite growing public awareness of family and domestic violence, and the dangers of the online world, reports frequently dismiss the importance of engaging with the voice of lived experience.  

The Media Awards include four categories; 

  • Best story about children 
  • Best story about young people 
  • Best story about children or young people in out of home care 
  • Best story about families 

View the previous year’s winners here.



Any stories or pieces about children, young people, families, or child and young people in out of home care published or broadcast during the last financial year (1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023) are eligible for entry. 

The Centre will accepting pieces across all media formats including print, online, TV, radio, digital and podcasts. 

The awards are open to all Australian based journalists from media outlets, including freelance journalists, and those who have self-published. 


How to submit a story 

If you’re interested in submitting a story to one of the above categories, please send a link or copy to your story to by COB Monday 31st July, along with your name, contact details, and the award you’d like to nominate for. 

The awards will be presented at the Centre’s AGM in November (date TBC). 

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