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Centre Piece – January

January 2013
2013 – new challenges and beginnings

As this is our first Centre Piece for 2013, we would like to wish all subscribers a belated happy new year.

2013 promises to be another busy year, with the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse and Sector Reform Project already building momentum.

The Centre has released its 2013 Learning and Development and RCLDS calendars, which contain many valuable training opportunities. We are also planning a number of forums, seminars and other events throughout 2013 that we will promote in future issues of Centre Piece.

We hope that everybody enjoyed a happy and relaxing holiday season and has returned to work re-energised and focused.

Left – The Commissioners: (left to right) Mr Bob Atkinson AO APM, Professor Helen Milroy, Justice Peter McClellan AM (Chair), Justice Jennifer Coate, Mr Robert Fitzgerald AM and Mr Andrew Murray.


Foster Care: Hotline and Website extension

DHS have notified the Centre that funding for a restricted telephone hotline referral service and website maintenance will be continued until June 30 2013. More →


Community Sector Reform

On December 20th 2012 the Victorian Government announced a whole-of-community sector reform project to ‘address some of the sustainability challenges currently facing the service sector’. More →


Strengthening the local area based child and family services network project

The Centre has engaged Professor David Adams from the University of Tasmania as a consultant for this important project.

The project will seek to develop options for community organisations providing services in local areas, drawing on the priorities the Centre has developed for the Vulnerable Children’s Strategy. More →

L & D Calendar

A calendar of 2013 Learning and Development training opportunities is now available here.

More training events will be scheduled throughout the year, so look out for further announcements in months ahead.

If you have any queries about training opportunities, please contact us on (03) 9614 1577.

RCLDS Calendar/Resi ROCKS

The complete 2013 RCLDS calendar has been finalised and is now available here.

More information about Resi ROCKS and other RCLDS events will be released over the coming months.


 Dr James Anglin – events

While in Australia for the Centre, Dr James Anglin will be conducting a policy forum and master class on May 17th.

The policy forum will focus on new directions in policy and planning for residential care, while the master class will look at evaluation and research in residential care.

Details will be released in the coming weeks, but keep the day free.

Business Managers Forum

The Centre’s Membership and Operations Manager, Chris Shelly, is convening the first Business Managers Network Meeting for 2013 on Friday 8th March.

The agenda will include DHS IT directions, ACNC, sector reform directions and the new Associations Act. If you would like to attend or ask any questions, please contact Chris.

Media Update

This month has seen media coverage focus on the upcoming Royal Commission, with the Children’s Court processes also receiving scrutiny.

Details of reporting of issues facing our sector during January can be found here here.

Vocational Graduate Certificate in Community Services Practice

RMIT University have a number of places available in their new Vocational Graduate Certificate in Community Services Practice, which is starting in February 2013.

For more information please download the course flyer, which is available here.

The future of school focused youth services and other supports for vulnerable young people

The Victorian Government has released a discussion paper seeking comment on a new approach to supporting all young people in learning – particularly those that have disengaged, or are at risk of disengaging.

For more details please download the discussion paper, which is available here.

Diploma of Quality Auditing

Together with VICSERV, the Centre is offering a Diploma in Quality Auditing in 2013.

This course will explore the systems, processes and practices involved in internally monitoring the quality of service provision within participant’s organisations.

Course details and a registration form are available here.

Transition Plan for Leaving Care

The TPLC project was successfully completed in December 2012, attracting 329 staff to 12 Practice Forums aimed to enhance the transition to independent living for young Victorians in care.

The Centre will continue to advocate for a training program to be provided to the sector to improve management of this crucial process.

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