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Jenny Mikakos – Minister for Families and Children

The Centre wishes to congratulate Jenny Mikakos on her appointment as Minister for Families & Children and Minister for Youth Affairs.  The Centre looks forward toworking with Jenny and the new govenment on issues affecting Victoria's vulnerable children, youth and families.

The full list of cabinet appointments is:

Daniel Andrews – Premier

James Merlino – Deputy Premier, Education

Tim Pallas – Treasurer

Martin Pakula – Attorney-General, Racing

Jacinta Allan – Public Transport, Employment

Jill Hennessey – Health, Ambulance Services

Martin Foley – Housing, Disability & Aging, Mental  Health, Creative Industries

Wade Noonan – Police, Emergency Services

Richard Wynne – Planning

Jaala Pulford – Agriculture, Regional Development

Lily D’Ambrosio – Industry, Energy & Resouces

Luke Donnellan – Roads and Road Safety, Ports

John Eren – Tourism & Major Events, Sport, Veterans’ Affairs

Jane Garrett – Emergency Services, Consumer Affairs, Gaming & Liquor Regulation

Gavin Jennings – Leader of Government in the Upper House, Special Minister of State

Fiona Richardson – Women, Prevention of Family Violence

Robin Scott – Finance, Multicultural Affairs

Adam Somyurek – Small Business, Innovation & Trade

Lisa Neville – Climate Change, Environment, Water

Natalie Hutchins – Aboriginal Affairs, Local Government, Industrial Relations

Jenny Mikakos – Families & Children, Youth Affairs

The Centre would also like to acknowledge the Outgoing Minister for Community Services, Mary Wooldridge for her hard work and commitment to our shared efforts to improve the lives of vulnerable children, young people and families in Victoria.

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