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Research and Submissions

The Centre’s Social Policy and Research team conducts policy analysis, prepares submissions and undertakes research to advance the rights and wellbeing of children and families. We use evidence to inform our work and influence government policy, advance the goals of the child and family services sector, and advocate for change to benefit those who need it most.

Below you will find a selection of the team’s work, including submissions, research, policy analysis and policy statements, and report summaries and fact sheets to assist the work of our sector.

 Primary Centre contact: Dr Michele Lonsdale
Director of Social Policy and Research

Want to stay up-to-date with the latest research relevant to our sector? Sign up to our monthly Research Review.

Research Review - monthly updates on the latest research on children, young people and families in Australia

Research Review  – May 2024

The Research Review delivers the latest research relevant to the child and family services sector direct to your inbox.   Sign up here. May was a bumper month for research! Social

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Research Review - monthly updates on the latest research on children, young people and families in Australia

Research Review – March 2024

The Research Review delivers the latest research relevant to the child and family services sector direct to your inbox.    In this month’s Research Review, we highlight two pieces of research

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  • The Centre and FamilyCare conducted a survey in May and June 2019 to gather information from child and family services practitioners about the impact of social security policy on single mothers and their children. We received 169 responses and found that: 

    • These families are routinely in financial crisis directly linked to the design and delivery of the social security system  
    • This is having significant impacts on the ability of state-funded services to meet their needs. 

    An overview of the survey findings can be found here. 

    The findings were presented by David Tennant (CEO, FamilyCare) and Kelly Bowey (Senior Policy and Research Officer) at the Australian Social Policy Conference on 9 September 2019. 

    Read our conference paper and view our presentation slides. 

    You can listen to David Tennant discussing these findings on ABC RN Life Matters (2 October 2019). 


Policy analysis and position statements

Report summaries and fact sheets


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