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Strengthening the local area based child and family services network project

Image: Professor David Adams

The Centre has engaged Professor David Adams from the University of Tasmania as a consultant for the “Strengthening the local area based child and family services network in the context of reforms in the community services sector” project.  

This project will seek to develop options for community service organisations providing services in local areas and will draw on the priorities the Centre has developed for the Vulnerable Children’s Strategy. The priorities are

  • Accountability and reporting frameworks for high level change strategies in the human services
  • Aboriginal services and self-determination processes
  • Local area networked service provision and its development
  • Community service organisation governance, capability and strategic change
  • The Voice of the child and family: court and legal reform
  • Development of innovative evidence based service responses for vulnerable children young people and their families
  • Workforce planning and training, and
  • Innovative Models of funding (especially in Out of Home Care and Family Services).

The Centres Position Paper outlining the strategies is available here.

A working group of members of the Centre chaired by Angela Forbes the President has been established to support the work of Professor Adams.


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