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Resi ROCKS is an annual event that brings together residential care workers from across Victoria. This event recognises and celebrates practice excellence and cultivates a culture of learning and innovation and the sharing of knowledge and ideas.

First held in 2006, Resi ROCKS is the annual peak forum/celebration for residential care workers. The acronym stands for ‘Recognising Our Carers Knowledge and Skills’.

ResiROCKS is back in 2024

ResiROCKS is back and will be held on Thursday, 10 October 2024

If you would like to stay up to date with information on this event and the annual Residential Care Awards, please join the Sector Buzz newsletter here

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ResiROCKS 2023

ResiROCKS 2023 was our biggest ever with 18 agencies from across Victoria represented for a full day of celebrations of the incredible work of our residential care workers.

ResiROCKS Awards 2023 Celebrate Outstanding Commitment In Residential Care

Congratulations to all of the nominees, finalists and winners in the 2023 Residential Care Learning and Development Strategy (RCLDS) Residential Care Awards. Each year these awards are given in recognition of the exceptional work carried out in the field by residential carers.

What makes a great carer?

What shines through in that research and in the nominations we have received for the Residential Carer Awards over the past 10 years is that what makes a house a home for these kids is the relationships they have with their carers.

Recently staff at the Centre reviewed all the nominations dating back 10 years and from that review, these 6 themes appeared over and over. This animation shows all the wonderful qualities of our residential care workers.

We think we have a good picture of what makes a care work amazing .. and what makes these kids feel like they’re at home.

Good care workers foster family connections

One nomination talked about a care worker maintaining daily phone contact with the family – arranging visits, setting them up for success on these visits with groceries and planned activities, and meeting the needs of the family and the young person – going out of their way to ensure successful family time.

Good care workers create safe spaces

A nomination talked about creating a room for staff and young people to relax within the home with mindfulness colouring books, reading and writing materials, comfortable seating and a TV – a quite space to reflect or regulate in a positive way.

Good care workers go to the effort to create a home

One nominee took on the responsibility with great interest and care of setting up bright happy bedrooms for the young people so they feel they have a space that is safe and their own.

Good care workers strengthen young people’s voices

We heard about residential care workers implementing weekly house meetings and allowing young people to speak their minds and be heard, then following through to implement their ideas into the daily routine of the house, empowering young people to contribute.

Good care workers teach life skills

One nominee was celebrated for her ability to encourage teens who had zero interest in food preparation to learn how to cook a complete meal from scratch.

Good care workers offer individualised support

Making time for regular one-on-one time and doing activities that they know that young person will enjoy is an approach that was celebrated in this years nominations.

2023 Photo Gallery

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The Residential Care Learning and Development Strategy, Further Education Scholarship offers financial support for the on-going higher education of people working in the residential care sector.

Further details for this year’s scholarships will be announced soon and the winners will be presented at this year’s ResiROCKS.

Download the application form:


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