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Welcome Boost to Frontline Child Protection Services

The Centre welcomes the Government’s announcement today of a $5.65 million funding boost to Child FIRST and Integrated Family Services.

The funds will be provided to services around the state to meet growing demand, with a focus on developing partnerships with family violence services and responding to Aboriginal children and families experiencing violence at home.

“Child FIRST and Integrated Family Services are at the frontline of child protection in our state, ensuring children are kept safer by connecting them and their families to the services and support they need, when they need it,” CEO Deb Tsorbaris said today.

“More than half of the families referred to these services are experiencing family violence. 

“They may also be experiencing a range of other complex and interrelated issues such as mental ill-health, substance abuse issues, disability, financial stress or social exclusion which also have the potential to put children at risk of neglect or abuse.

“Child FIRST, with its teams of experienced and trained staff throughout the state, is able to identify the risks a child may be facing and ensure they and their family are receiving the right support to address their particular circumstances.

“Intergrated Family Services also play a crucial role in our child protection system, helping to keep families together and strong, through counselling, parenting skills development and other support services.

“The additional funding announced by the Government today will help to ensure that Child FIRST and Integrated Family Services are able to meet growing demand for their services in the short-term, while work moves ahead on implementing the Government’s longer term reforms to the child protection system, with a focus on prevention and early intervention.

Inquiries: Deb Tsorbaris 0417 599 869 / Mary Fall 0407 683 664


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