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Youth Mentoring Hub Launched

The Youth Mentoring Hub was launched yesterday by The Hon. Jenny Mikakos (Minister for Families and Children, Youth Affairs).

The Hub includes a range of resources:

Quality Assurance Support Resources
Best practice templates (many focusing on policy and procedure) which you can download and adapt to suit your own program.
Visit the Quality Assurance Support Resources by clicking here.

Mentor Training Package
The package has been designed as a flexible resource that can be adapted to suit individual programs, and can be downloaded in its entirety, including support materials such as a Participants Workbook and tips for successful facilitation. 
Visit the Mentor Training Package page by clicking here.

Tips and advice from Victorian youth mentoring coordinators 
Advice from the coalface collected by the Victorian Youth Mentoring Alliance on topics such as program development, recruitment and matching. 
(Tip sheets can be accessed throughout the website).

The topics on the website are intended to guide you through the different stages of developing a youth mentoring program, and range from Program Planning and Policy and Procedure, to Recruitment and Match Support.  

You can visit the hub here.

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